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Island UTs Dive into Blue Economy Boom: Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Seafood Exports Take Center Stage

The Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep are charting a thrilling course towards economic prosperity, with the government prioritizing the development of a vibrant blue economy. Fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood exports are taking center stage in this transformation, fueled by a wave of strategic initiatives and investments.

Infrastructure and Logistics Pave the Way:

Recognizing the critical role of infrastructure, the government is heavily investing in building modern harbors, cold storage facilities, and processing plants. The Chennai-Andaman Nicobar Islands (CANI) and Kochi-Lakshadweep Islands Submarine Optical Fiber Cable projects revolutionize internet connectivity, enabling seamless communication and e-commerce participation for fisher communities.

Boosting Productivity and Catch:

Deep-sea fishing and aquaculture initiatives are gaining momentum, with assistance provided for boat modernization and acquisition. Post-harvest handling and processing infrastructure is being upgraded, along with the adoption of cutting-edge technologies like Fish Aggregating Devices to optimize catches.

Empowering Fishers and Building Markets:

Forward market linkages, cooperative societies, and Self Help Groups (SHGs) empower fishers and facilitate market access. Agencies like MPEDA, EIA, and CMFRI provide crucial technical support and training, enhancing skills and knowledge.

Subsidies and Financial Backing:

The Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana fuels growth through subsidies for infrastructure, deep-sea fishing, aquaculture, and market development. Kisan Credit Card scheme ensures easy access to institutional credit for fisher communities.

Seaweed Cultivation – A Sustainable Future:

Promoting seaweed cultivation with SHGs and cooperatives adds another dimension to the blue economy. This sustainable practice not only generates income but also helps protect the delicate marine ecosystem.

Overall Impact:

These initiatives are leading to a flourishing blue economy in the island UTs, with increased fish production, improved livelihoods for fishers, and a thriving seafood export sector. This holistic approach paves the way for a sustainable and prosperous future, driven by responsible resource management and innovative technologies.

The island UTs are setting a shining example of how prioritizing fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood exports can unlock immense economic potential, while preserving the unique marine environment. Their success story serves as an inspiration for other coastal regions to embrace the blue economy and chart their own course towards sustainable and inclusive growth.

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