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Welcome to India's first Exclusive Seafood Portal

A Heartfelt Dive into India’s Shrimp Saga: Crafting a Future Where Everyone Wins

A Heartfelt Dive into India’s Shrimp Saga: Crafting a Future Where Everyone Wins

Let’s chat about something that’s been bubbling up in the world of seafood – the Indian shrimp industry. You might’ve heard some buzz, with folks taking sides and a bit of drama unfolding. Elias Sait from the Seafood Exporters Association of India wasn’t too thrilled, calling out what he sees
Aquaponics: Where Fish and Plants Kiss, and Sustainable Food Rises

Aquaponics: Where Fish and Plants Kiss, and Sustainable Food Rises

Imagine a farm where fish waste nourishes lush greens, and plants scrub water clean for finny friends. This symbiotic dream isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality of aquaponics, a revolutionary method seamlessly blending aquaculture and plant farming. In this verdant marriage, not a drop goes to waste, not a leaf
Troubled Waters: Aquaculture Workers Face Health Risks and Safety Concerns in a Booming Industry

Troubled Waters: Aquaculture Workers Face Health Risks and Safety Concerns in a Booming Industry

The aquaculture industry, a rapidly growing sector employing thousands and churning out seafood for the world, hides a dark undercurrent of health risks and safety concerns for its workers. A recent survey by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) paints a stark picture of a workforce grappling with
Goa’s Waters Get a New Treasure: Mussel Farming Gains Momentum with Promising Profits and Government Support

Goa’s Waters Get a New Treasure: Mussel Farming Gains Momentum with Promising Profits and Government Support

The coastal state of Goa is witnessing a rising tide of entrepreneurial spirit in its waters, thanks to a burgeoning interest in mussel farming. The Fisheries Department, determined to empower local communities and tap into the potential of this lucrative venture, recently conducted an awareness program and demonstration at St
Assam’s Rajaqul Islam Receives “Millionaire Fisheries Farmer of India 2023” Award

Assam’s Rajaqul Islam Receives “Millionaire Fisheries Farmer of India 2023” Award

In a resounding recognition of his exceptional contribution to the Indian fisheries sector, Rajaqul Islam of Assam has been bestowed with the prestigious “Millionaire Fisheries Farmer of India 2023” award. This momentous honor was conferred upon him during the ongoing “Millionaire Farmer of India Award 2023” event, a three-day celebration
From Bytes to Blooms: A Technological Revolution Flourishes in Aquacultural Waters

From Bytes to Blooms: A Technological Revolution Flourishes in Aquacultural Waters

In the ever-evolving landscape of technological innovation, the lines between seemingly disparate realms are blurring, igniting unexpected solutions to complex challenges. One such intersection lies at the confluence of the digital and the natural, where the seemingly unrelated worlds of computing and aquaculture are merging to create a revolutionary force
Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia: A Revolution in Indian Aquaculture

Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia: A Revolution in Indian Aquaculture

In the realm of Indian aquaculture, the advent of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) stands as a testament to scientific innovation and its transformative potential. This remarkable strain of Nile tilapia, meticulously developed through selective breeding, has emerged as a beacon of hope for the nation’s aquaculture sector, ushering in
Fish Pond Management During Winter Months

Fish Pond Management During Winter Months

Winter months (November – January) can be a challenging time for fish farmers. The water level declines, the temperature drops, and the fish become more susceptible to diseases. However, with proper management, fish farmers can maintain healthy fish populations and ensure a good harvest at the end of the season.
Empowering Women in Aquaculture: A Mosaic of Resilience, Enterprise, and Hope

Empowering Women in Aquaculture: A Mosaic of Resilience, Enterprise, and Hope

Along India’s vast coastline, where the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides mirror the cycles of life, a silent revolution is taking place. Women, traditionally relegated to the margins of aquaculture, are now emerging as its backbone, their hands shaping the future of this vital sector. From the sun-drenched
Odisha to Establish 100 Shrimp Hatcheries, Boosting Shrimp Production and Profitability

Odisha to Establish 100 Shrimp Hatcheries, Boosting Shrimp Production and Profitability

The Odisha government has announced a transformative initiative to establish 100 shrimp hatcheries across the coastal districts of the state. This ambitious plan aims to address the scarcity of shrimp seed, a critical factor in shrimp production, and pave the way for increased production and profitability for shrimp farmers. The
A Wave of Prosperity: Andhra Pradesh Invests Rs 1,000 Crore in Aquaculture Sector

A Wave of Prosperity: Andhra Pradesh Invests Rs 1,000 Crore in Aquaculture Sector

In a significant move to boost the aquaculture sector and enhance the livelihoods of fisherfolk, the Andhra Pradesh government has announced an investment of Rs 1,000 crore. This substantial allocation aims to transform the state’s aquaculture landscape, leading to increased productivity, improved infrastructure, and enhanced market linkages. The aquaculture sector
From Fields to Ponds: How Shrimp Farming is Reviving Punjab’s Saline Lands

From Fields to Ponds: How Shrimp Farming is Reviving Punjab’s Saline Lands

In the heart of India’s Punjab state, far from the coastal shores, a silent revolution is taking place. Farmers, once solely reliant on agriculture, are now embracing an unlikely savior: shrimp farming. This transformation is not driven by a sudden love for seafood but by a desperate need to adapt
Global Shrimp Suppliers Face Uncertain Future in 2024 as Oversupply Persists

Global Shrimp Suppliers Face Uncertain Future in 2024 as Oversupply Persists

The global shrimp industry is expected to face a challenging year in 2024, with oversupply continuing to be a major concern. Rabobank analysts predict that global shrimp production will remain flat at around 3.9 million metric tons, while demand is expected to grow only marginally. This imbalance is likely to
Himachal Pradesh’s Una District: A Beacon of Hope for Fish Rearing

Himachal Pradesh’s Una District: A Beacon of Hope for Fish Rearing

Nestled amidst the picturesque hills of Himachal Pradesh, the Una district is emerging as a hub for fish rearing. Progressive farmers, armed with innovative techniques like Bio Flock Technology (BFT), are revolutionizing fish farming practices, leading to a surge in fish production and transforming the livelihoods of local communities. Bio
Shrimp Farmers in India Turn to Mangroves for Sustainable Aquaculture

Shrimp Farmers in India Turn to Mangroves for Sustainable Aquaculture

For generations, shrimp aquaculture has been the primary livelihood for families in the Sundarbans, a vast mangrove forest in India. However, the widespread use of unsustainable practices, driven by the demand for shrimp in Western markets, has had a devastating impact on the Sundarbans ecosystem. In recent years, efforts have