Seafood Of India

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Welcome to India's first Exclusive Seafood Portal

Goa’s Community-Based Marine Resource Management: A Model for Sustainable Seafood Practices

Goa’s Community-Based Marine Resource Management: A Model for Sustainable Seafood Practices

Along Goa’s pristine coastline, nestled amidst swaying palms and the rhythmic lull of the Arabian Sea, lies a unique tale of sustainable marine resource management. For centuries, Goa’s coastal communities have safeguarded the delicate balance of marine ecosystems, employing time-honored practices that have ensured the continued abundance of fish and
Climate Change Threatens Nutritional Security of Low-Income Countries: Seafood Nutrient Loss on the Horizon

Climate Change Threatens Nutritional Security of Low-Income Countries: Seafood Nutrient Loss on the Horizon

A study published in the journal Nature Climate Change has raised alarming concerns about the potential impact of climate change on the nutritional security of low-income countries. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of British Columbia (UBC), found that climate change could lead to a devastating loss of
Guiding the Nation’s Blue Voyage: The Indian Navy’s Indispensable Role in the Fisheries and Seafood Industry

Guiding the Nation’s Blue Voyage: The Indian Navy’s Indispensable Role in the Fisheries and Seafood Industry

India, a nation cradled by the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, is inextricably linked to the sea. The ocean’s bounties, particularly the fisheries and seafood industry, have played a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s economy, food security, and the livelihoods of millions. At the helm of safeguarding these
The Unsung Heroes of the Seas: Celebrating Indian Navy Day and Its Contributions

The Unsung Heroes of the Seas: Celebrating Indian Navy Day and Its Contributions

The vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, a lifeline of trade and commerce, is also a haven for marine resources that sustain millions of livelihoods. Amidst these waters, the Indian Navy stands as a guardian, safeguarding the nation’s maritime interests while fostering a thriving seafood industry. Today, on Indian Navy
Shrimp: The Protein Powerhouse for Health and Fitness

Shrimp: The Protein Powerhouse for Health and Fitness

In a world increasingly focused on health and wellness, individuals are constantly seeking nutritious and sustainable food sources to support their overall well-being. Shrimp, a versatile and delectable seafood, emerges as a compelling choice, offering a wealth of nutritional benefits and a unique flavor profile that tantalizes taste buds. Protein-Packed
China and Japan’s Seafood War A Tale of Trade Bans, Disinformation, and Geopolitical Tensions

China and Japan’s Seafood War A Tale of Trade Bans, Disinformation, and Geopolitical Tensions

In recent months, China and Japan have been engaged in a heated trade dispute over Japan’s decision to release wastewater contaminated with radioactive tritium from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. The dispute has escalated into a full-blown “seafood war,” with both countries imposing bans on
Can Shrimp Ride the Avocado Wave? Exploring the Potential of a Targeted Marketing Campaign

Can Shrimp Ride the Avocado Wave? Exploring the Potential of a Targeted Marketing Campaign

For decades, avocados have enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity, transforming from a niche fruit to a ubiquitous symbol of healthy living and culinary delight. But can shrimp, a staple in many cultures and a valuable economic resource, replicate this success story? This question lies at the heart of a
Unveiling the Mystery: Shrimp vs. Prawn

Unveiling the Mystery: Shrimp vs. Prawn

For many seafood enthusiasts, the distinction between shrimp and prawns remains shrouded in mystery. At first glance, these crustaceans appear strikingly similar, both boasting a vibrant red hue and a delicate, curved body. However, beneath this seemingly identical exterior lies a world of fascinating differences waiting to be unraveled. A
Diminishing Returns on Labor: A Looming Threat to the Global Marine Food System

Diminishing Returns on Labor: A Looming Threat to the Global Marine Food System

The world’s food production has witnessed a remarkable transformation over the past century. Technological advancements have revolutionized agriculture, dramatically reducing the need for human labor while simultaneously increasing yields. This trend, however, has not translated equally to the global marine food system. While technology has undoubtedly played a role in
The Dark Underbelly of Delicacy: Sea Cucumber Crime Threatens Marine Ecosystems

The Dark Underbelly of Delicacy: Sea Cucumber Crime Threatens Marine Ecosystems

In the pristine waters between India and Sri Lanka, a silent war is being waged. Not one fought with weapons and soldiers, but with nets and greed. The prize? Sea cucumbers, a marine creature prized in China for its purported health benefits and exquisite taste. But behind this seemingly harmless
Empowering Women in Aquaculture: A Mosaic of Resilience, Enterprise, and Hope

Empowering Women in Aquaculture: A Mosaic of Resilience, Enterprise, and Hope

Along India’s vast coastline, where the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides mirror the cycles of life, a silent revolution is taking place. Women, traditionally relegated to the margins of aquaculture, are now emerging as its backbone, their hands shaping the future of this vital sector. From the sun-drenched
Why Ghol Fish is Selected as the State Fish of Gujarat: A Tale of Culinary Treasure and Economic Prowess

Why Ghol Fish is Selected as the State Fish of Gujarat: A Tale of Culinary Treasure and Economic Prowess

In the vibrant tapestry of Indian cuisine, fish holds a special place, and no state in India embodies this culinary love affair more than Gujarat. With its rich coastline and deep-rooted fishing traditions, Gujarat has long been renowned for its delectable seafood offerings. And among this array of culinary treasures,
Shrimp Farmers in India Turn to Mangroves for Sustainable Aquaculture

Shrimp Farmers in India Turn to Mangroves for Sustainable Aquaculture

For generations, shrimp aquaculture has been the primary livelihood for families in the Sundarbans, a vast mangrove forest in India. However, the widespread use of unsustainable practices, driven by the demand for shrimp in Western markets, has had a devastating impact on the Sundarbans ecosystem. In recent years, efforts have
PMMSY: Transforming the Indian Fisheries Sector

PMMSY: Transforming the Indian Fisheries Sector

A Big Leap for Indian Fisheries In 2020, the Indian fisheries sector was poised for a major transformation, thanks to the reforms initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Recognizing the immense potential of the Blue Economy, Modi launched a series of initiatives to systematically develop the sector, including the creation
Small-Scale Fisheries: The Unsung Heroes of the Seas

Small-Scale Fisheries: The Unsung Heroes of the Seas

In a world dominated by large-scale industrial fishing, small-scale fisheries often go unnoticed. Yet, these humble operations play a vital role in global food security, employment, and nutrition. A recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations highlights the immense contribution of small-scale fisheries to