Seafood Of India

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Welcome to India's first Exclusive Seafood Portal

Blog Post

Nurturing Our Aquatic Treasures: Celebrating World Fisheries Day 2023

As the world’s population continues to grow, the importance of sustainable food production becomes increasingly evident. Fisheries, both marine and freshwater, play a critical role in providing sustenance and livelihoods for millions across the globe. In recognition of this vital sector, World Fisheries Day is observed annually on November 21st, highlighting the significance of responsible fisheries management and the contributions of small-scale fishers.

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India’s Seafood Exports: A Voyage of Growth and Transformation in the Global Arena

India’s seafood industry has emerged as a global powerhouse, achieving an all-time high in both volume and value of exports during the financial year 2022-23. This remarkable milestone reflects the industry’s resilience, innovation, and unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability. This article delves into the intricacies of India’s seafood exports, exploring the factors that have contributed to its success and the challenges that lie ahead.

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