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Nurturing Our Aquatic Treasures: Celebrating World Fisheries Day 2023

As the world’s population continues to grow, the importance of sustainable food production becomes increasingly evident. Fisheries, both marine and freshwater, play a critical role in providing sustenance and livelihoods for millions across the globe. In recognition of this vital sector, World Fisheries Day is observed annually on November 21st, highlighting the significance of responsible fisheries management and the contributions of small-scale fishers.

Commemorating the Significance of Fisheries

World Fisheries Day serves as a global platform to raise awareness about the challenges and opportunities facing the fisheries sector. Overfishing, habitat destruction, and climate change pose significant threats to the health and sustainability of marine ecosystems. These challenges call for urgent action and innovative solutions to ensure the long-term viability of fisheries.

India’s Position in the Global Fisheries Sector

India stands as a leader in the global fisheries sector, ranking as the third largest fish producer and the second largest aquaculture producer. The sector plays a pivotal role in the Indian economy, contributing to food security, generating employment, and driving exports.

Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY): A Vision for Sustainable Fisheries

The Indian government has demonstrated its commitment to sustainable fisheries development through the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY). This ambitious scheme aims to modernize the fisheries sector, enhance productivity, and ensure equitable participation of fishers and fish farmers.

Global Fisheries Conference India 2023: A Forum for Collaboration and Innovation

In conjunction with World Fisheries Day 2023, the Global Fisheries Conference India 2023 is bringing together industry experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to foster collaboration and explore innovative solutions for the sustainable development of the fisheries sector. The conference provides a platform to share knowledge, exchange best practices, and identify strategies for addressing the challenges faced by the industry.

Recognizing Excellence in Fisheries

The Government of India recognizes the outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations in the fisheries sector through a series of awards presented during World Fisheries Day celebrations. These awards honor the best practices and achievements in various aspects of fisheries, from sustainable production to effective management and policy implementation.

The Genesis of World Fisheries Day

World Fisheries Day traces its roots to the 1997 “World Forum of Fish Harvesters & Fish Workers” held in New Delhi. This landmark gathering led to the formation of the “World Fisheries Forum” and the advocacy for sustainable fisheries practices and policies. The forum’s efforts paved the way for the establishment of World Fisheries Day, a global initiative to promote responsible fisheries management.


World Fisheries Day serves as a crucial reminder of the need to protect and manage our marine and freshwater resources responsibly. By adopting sustainable practices, fostering international collaboration, and supporting the livelihoods of small-scale fishers, we can ensure that fisheries continue to provide food security and livelihoods for generations to come. Let us work together to nurture our aquatic treasures and safeguard this essential source of sustenance for the global community.

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