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US Senator Calls for Action on Potentially Unethical Shrimp Imports from India

Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy is urging the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to investigate potential labor abuses and antibiotic use in India’s shrimp industry. The Senator’s request comes in response to a recent whistleblower report raising concerns about the safety and ethics of shrimp imported from India.

Senator Cassidy expressed significant worry, stating that “Indian shrimp relies on forced labor and is pumped full of illegal antibiotics.” He emphasized the importance of the USTR taking action “to ensure American consumers are not put in harm’s way.”

This allegation follows the release of a report by the Outlaw Ocean Project, which included details from an American whistleblower who formerly worked in the Indian shrimp industry. The report’s contents have not been disclosed in detail, but it has clearly sparked concern from Senator Cassidy.

The Louisiana shrimp industry is a significant economic driver for the state, and Senator Cassidy likely fears unfair competition from potentially unethical practices. His request for an investigation could lead to trade actions against India if the allegations are substantiated.

This situation highlights the complex challenges surrounding global food supply chains. Balancing affordability with ethical and sustainable practices remains a constant struggle. The outcome of the USTR investigation and any potential trade measures will be closely watched by consumers, industry representatives, and policymakers alike.

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