Seafood Of India

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Welcome to India's first Exclusive Seafood Portal

WWF Launches Groundbreaking Oceans Futures Program to Avert Global Fish Wars

WWF Launches Groundbreaking Oceans Futures Program to Avert Global Fish Wars

In a proactive response to a staggering 20-fold surge in fisheries conflict over the past four decades and a forecasted 23 percent shift in global fish stocks due to climate change, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has unveiled the revolutionary Oceans Futures program. Launched at The Halifax International Security Forum
Unmasking the Hidden Cost of Your Seafood: A Deep Dive into Human Rights Abuses in the Global Fishing Industry

Unmasking the Hidden Cost of Your Seafood: A Deep Dive into Human Rights Abuses in the Global Fishing Industry

Beneath the surface of the vast global fishing industry lies a dark underbelly of human rights abuses and labor exploitation. A growing body of evidence reveals that forced labor, particularly of Indonesian and Uyghur workers, is rampant in the fishing and processing of seafood destined for American tables.
Boosting Marine Conservation: Project Dolphin Takes Center Stage

Boosting Marine Conservation: Project Dolphin Takes Center Stage

In a significant move to safeguard marine mammals within the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, the state government has unveiled “Project Dolphin.” The initiative comes in response to reports of various dolphin species washing ashore, highlighting the vulnerability of cetaceans along the Indian coast. Species like Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphins
India’s Blue Odyssey: Charting a Course for Global Leadership in the Blue Economy

India’s Blue Odyssey: Charting a Course for Global Leadership in the Blue Economy

India, under the spotlight of its G20 presidency, is set to redefine the contours of a resilient and green maritime sector, placing the blue economy at the forefront of its vision. In a world grappling with the challenges of climate change, the G20 leaders’ summit emphasized the imperative of nurturing
Securing Sustainable Seafood Exports: Marine Mammal Conservation Takes Center Stage

Securing Sustainable Seafood Exports: Marine Mammal Conservation Takes Center Stage

The inextricable link between marine mammal conservation and India's seafood export industry was underscored at a recent workshop held at the 16th Agricultural Science Congress (ASC). Experts highlighted the importance of adhering to the US Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), which mandates the protection of marine mammals during commercial fishing